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Can you sleep your way to better skin?

You decided long ago to start protecting and caring for your skin. You stopped chasing the tan and came to love the skin you’re in. You invested in the cutest broad-brimmed sun hat that you take on all beach outings. You never go to bed without removing the day’s makeup. Most of all, your morning routine of applying daily spf is so ingrained that you do it on autopilot. Good for you! These are all important milestones in any skin wellness regimen, and your skin will thank you for all of this. But what other factors in our lifestyle and routine can impact our skin for better or worse? Well, multiple studies have demonstrated that beauty rest is a very apt name for the important role sleep plays in our skin health.
Getting enough shut eye can be challenging in our busy lives, but the many health benefits of consistently getting enough good quality sleep are becoming clearer all the time. Sleep is the time when your body repairs damage accumulated during your waking hours, from environmental assaults such as pollution, allergens, and UV radiation. Collagen is rebuilt and the skin barrier is renewed.
A study in the Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology followed 60 women separated into two groups: good sleepers who slept 7-9 hours per night, and poor sleepers who slept less than 5 hours per night. Using a standardized scoring system, researchers found that those participants in the poor sleep group had more prominent dark under-eye circles, took longer to recover from sunburn, and had decreased skin barrier function, leading to increased water loss through the skin. Participants also filled out a self-perception questionnaire and reported less satisfaction with their own skin appearance in the poor sleep group compared to the good sleep group.
Skin health and wellness is about so much more than simply the products we apply to our skin. It encompasses the intention with which we care for our whole selves, physically and mentally. Our skin deserves a lot of love for the essential role it plays in protecting us every day. If we love our skin, it will love us back, with clearer complexion, fewer signs of aging, and less sensitivity. Now, it’s time for me to turn out the lights and get my beauty rest!
Dr. Meghan with #MDTips